18 Jul

Studio Infinity + You

Are you interested in bringing a mathematical art installation to your school or community? Studio Infinity would love to help!

Mathematical art has the power to inspire and educate. Installing a large work as a group helps foster or reinforce a sense of community around shared intellectual and artistic interests. And it can provide an opportunity for people to engage with and think about math in ways they may never have before.

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12 Apr

New Call for Problems

I serve as the Problem Warden for the Prison Math Project (PMP), meaning I edit The Prisoner’s Dilemma, the quarterly problem section of the PMP newsletter. So I’d love it if you have intersting problems or mathematical puzzles to submit to the column. Of course, you will be credited online and in the newsletter for any problems you submit.

I also welcome solutions to the existing problems from anyone. Problems range in difficulty from high-school contest level up to roughly the easiest end of Putnam competition problems. So to submit problems or solutions, please email me at dilemma “at” pmathp “dot” org. Looking forward to your ideas!

05 Aug

Amboxes: Building Day

We arrived at Princeton early in the evening of August 5th with an assortment of the materials discussed in our planning post, ready to lead the PCMI/IAS Teacher Leadership Program in building an expanded icosidodecahedron.

Of the six possible box orientations, the participants chose to have the $6.125″$ sides form the edges of the triangular and pentagonal windows, the $4″$ sides form the edges of the rhombic windows, and the $2″$ sides provide the extra radial width:

The group was impressively self-organized, and after a brief presentation and selecting the box orientation, they were off to the races! They split into small groups to make modular braced pentagonal rings that could then be assembled into the final structure. Here is a time-lapse video of one group completing their ring:

In all the excitement, we forgot to take photos of the actual building! Using some low-res stills from our time-lapse, the key steps of this phase were:

1. Outfit the boxes with pipe cleaners to form the ambox units.

2. Link five amboxes at their corners via their pipe cleaners into a pentagonal ring.

3. Weave the craft sticks into a pentagram.

4. Puncture a hole in each corner of the pentagram running through the two overlapping craft sticks.

5. Attach the pentagram’s corners to the corners of the pentagonal ring via its pipe cleaners, ending with a braced pentagonal ring.

Once twelve of these braced rings had been assembled, the group combined them by tying pipe cleaners together, leaving triangular and rhombic windows, and finally bracing the diagonals of the rhombi.

The teachers then designated a “coloring committee” to pick the decoration of the exterior faces of the boxes. They settled on making each “line of latitude” of the resulting ball of boxes uniform in color. With the scheme chosen, the units could be assembled to produce the final Amboxes installation:

While we were in the home stretch of building the above piece, the organizers Peg Cagle and Dena Vigil were just a little disappointed that it was only going to come out to about a meter in diameter. Since we had some time left in our 6pm-9pm slot, their colleague Brian Hopkins made a run to the store for more pipe cleaners and the group forked into a contingent that worked on finishing the above build and a contingent that started another, bigger build!

Since the radius of the sculpture is limited by the dimensions of our boxes, we improvised by attaching two boxes together end-to-end to create makeshift $2″ \times 4″ \times 12.25″$ boxes. The group elected to use this new, extra-long $12.25″$ side for the edges of the rhombi, using the $4″$ sides for the triangle and pentagon edges and again using the $2″$ sides as the radial “puff.”

The long diagonals of the rhombi were a good deal longer than the bracing material we’d prepared, since this ad-libbed structure was not one of our six anticipated builds. So we braced the short diagonals instead, using pairs of craft sticks joined to have the correct length.

Here is the finished second build:

Between the two constructions, there was plenty for everyone to do, and everyone really came together as a team to complete the project. Amboxes hung in the meeting room of the Teacher Leadership Program for the duration of the conference, and then its components were all recycled or taken by participants to use in similar activities in their classrooms.

18 Mar

Planning TOWARD

Because TOs Work As a RD, Studio Infinity’s next project has officially been dubbed TOWARD! We are collaborating with Peter Kagey, a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, who found the TO particularly appealing due to its double life as a permutohedron. The build will take place at Harvey Mudd College, so we’re opting to use Harvey Mudd’s black, white, and gold as our palette. Here’s our poster for the event, featuring a digital mock-up of what we intend to build:

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10 Nov


Over fifty members of the Occidental College community, organized by Prof. Jim Brown of the Math Dept., came together (Friday, 2023 Nov 10) to construct a Sierpinski-style fractal based on the regular octahedron. You can read more about it in the The Occidental weekly newspaper; more details will be posted here as time permits.

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25 Oct

Announcing the Oxyhedron

Studio Infinity has teamed up with Prof. Jim Brown and the Occidental Math Dept. to create the Oxyhedron on Friday, 2023 Nov 10, starting at 10 AM. The installation will take place just outside Fowler Hall, which houses the Math Dept. I did a site visit today; on the right you can see the quarter-scale mockup being used as a stand-in to plan the event, held in place by Jim.

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11 Mar

Call for Polyhedra

Studio Infinity is pleased to announce the preparation of a new traveling art/science exhibit, Polyplane. The producers, Alex Kontorovich and Glen Whitney, are seeking submissions of physical polyhedra to become part of the exhibit. A broad variety of media and styles are welcomed, in support of the central aims of Polyplane: to celebrate the beauty of geometric forms while allowing visitors to directly perceive a fundamental law that governs them, Euler’s Polyhedron Formula. For more information and to reserve space for the polyhedron of your choice, visit polyplane.org.